Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Should I Separate My Business Values From My Personal Values
Should I Separate My Business Values From My Personal Values Should I Separate My Business Values From My Personal Values Todays question comes from a busy professionalShould I separate my business values from my personal values? Should I work with an organization, even if I dont personally agree with what they do? For example, what if a company asks me for help managing their Webreputation and I dont believe in their practices or their product?Whetherself-employed or workingfor a company, most people feel it is imperative to stay aligned with their principles. But what does itreally mean to never stray from ones values during the curse of a career?For example, a criminal defense lawyer may assist criminals and get them back on the street. Thats their job but theythemselves are not criminals. They believe in the law.Are they working against their principles? bedrngnis necessarily. Theybelieve thatevery person has the right to a fair trial. They believe that people need to be prose cuted under the law and with proper evidence thatis collected in the proper manner. They themselves are law-abiding citizens, even if their clients are not always.Its Rarely That Black and WhiteIf you believe that abusiness or organization is the only show in town, then I can see your dilemma. But we both know thats not really the issue here.If youre worried about working with or for a particular company, you needto make sure you are discounting them for the right reasons and in the right way. One way to do this is to clearly articulate your vision and mission statement. Let potential clients or employers know what kind of company you want to work with. Clearly itemize the attributes of your target client/employer.For example I work with high-quality, high-integrity corporations that focus on customer satisfaction. My clients succeed because they are ready for success. My clients deliver what and when they promise. Myclients and I not only follow the wording of our contracts, but al so the spirit of ouragreements and I make sure they know that.Live Your Mission StatementIf you clearly articulate your mission statement,then you will attract clients and employers of thecaliber and type you desire, as well asward off those who do not meet your standards.Once you make your goals and expectations known, you have a foundation to work from. For example, say the company you are worried about working with still wants to work with you, even after you have shared your vision. The companyhas told you that titsmission is the same as yours but you dont see it that way.You can now comfortably and diplomatically point out any discrepancies between what the company iscurrently doing and what the company claims its mission is.The company, after all, hasbeen doing the same things the same way for a long time.The company may not seethe discrepancies. You can help the company achieve its goalsand transform itinto a company you respect.On the other hand,if this same company doesnt want to work with you because of your mission statement and goals, then you no longer have to worry about compromising your values.Either way, you have eliminated your dilemma.For mora information on everything discussed here, feel free to reach out to me.We canschedule an appointment, and I can get to know more about your unique situation. I will be happy to make recommendations on what your best steps are moving forward.ContactLauraRoseRoseCoaching.info.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
3 Lessons You Can Learn From the Office Newbie
3 Lessons You Can Learn From the Office Newbie3 Lessons You Can Learn From the Office NewbieIts hard not to pity new employees at the office. On those first few days, theyre often pretty nervous- with no idea of wherbeie anything is, what theyre supposed to be doing, or if theyre meeting expectations. Thankfully, youre there to help. Youve worked at the company for a few years, which means you know the lay of the land. You have all the information that those office newbies need to succeed in their new roles.But as experienced as you are, training a new hire isnt a one-way street. There are actually a few things you could stand to learn from a brand new employee- things that can actually advance your career. 1. Never Stop Asking the Hard (and Obvious) QuestionsOnce youve worked in the same distribution policy for a few years, some things simply become the norm. You do things a certain way because thats the way youve always done them- no questions asked. The other day, for example, I a ttended a department-wide meeting where we talked about the results of the latest trade show wed attended. The lead for that show talked through our fabulous new display, the snacks and beverages wed handed out, and how many people walked through our booth- and at the end, quickly glossed over the fact that wed generated just 300 leads from the event. Immediately after the meeting, our newest team member approached our boss and asked, Is that normal? Three hundred leads seems like a pretty small number for what we invested in attending the show.She was right- but no one else had brought up the issue because that was simply the norm. In many offices, new employees are often the only ones willing to question what everyone else has learned to just go along with.Lesson LearnedNew employees can often see beyond what the rest of the team sees as normal. In an attempt to better understand their role and the mission of the department, theyll ask the most obvious questions- simply because th eyre curious. But honestly, thats what every employee should be doing. Even the most seasoned employees should be able to look critically at their companys processes and results and ask themselves, What could we be doing better? 2. Dont Be Afraid to Take RisksId been writing my companys internal, employee-facing newsletter for about a year when we hired a new writer in my department and decided to transition that assignment to her. I was ecstatic- the internal newsletter tended to be pretty boring it was sort of a running joke that no one in the company actually read it. To hand off the project, I prepared to meet with the new hire and explain to her how I compiled it each week as well as where I found the stories- but before I could even start, she was sharing ideas about what she wanted to do with it. In fact, shed already started talking to people in other departments to find out what they wanted to read about in the newsletter and how she could improve it. It was quite the wake- up call. For a year, Id been doing the bare minimum to get the newsletter out weekly, but a new employee- whod been with the department for just a week- was champing at the bit to take a risk and do something different. Lesson LearnedAbiding by the status quo may get you by, but it probably wont get you ahead. New employees often bring new ideas and arent afraid of suggesting ways to do things differently- and often, better. But as you get settled in your job, you can easily become settled in your ways and let your innovation and creativity take a back seat. Instead, you should strive to look at your projects and assignments with the eyes of a brand new employee, asking yourself, If there were no rules, how would I approach this?3. Theres No Time to WasteHow often do you see new employees goofing off on Facebook or pulling out their phone to answer a text? Almost never. Admittedly, this may partially because theyre not sure what the office norms are regarding cell phones and social media- but for the most part, its because theyre eager to fill their time with meaningful work.New employees want to do whatever needs to be done. They start with their to-do list, and when thats done, they ask their co-workers and boss what else they can help with. And even if that turns up no extra assignments, they figure out something useful to do. Just the other day, a new hire at my office had a few minutes to spare, so he poked around online finding recent articles that mentioned our company- one in a not-so-positive light. He emailed it to my boss and the rest of the team, asking how to best address the customer who wrote it. What would I have done? Probably pulled out my phone to scroll through Instagram. Lesson LearnedSure, part of the perk of being a long-standing employee is that you know whats acceptable- and maybe, a few minutes on Twitter or Facebook is perfectly fine. Its actually nice to take a breather from your work every so often throughout the day. The lesson he re is that no mater how long youve been at the company, you should still be hungry- eager for new projects and responsibilities, willing to lend a hand wherever its needed, and driven to help the company in every spare minute you have. Thats the kind of motivation and leadership thats going to advance your career. Its nice to be at the top looking down, but dont get too comfortable. Embracing the eagerness and audacity of a brand new employee could be just the boost your career needs. Photo of puzzle pieces courtesy of Shutterstock.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Eating for work what celebrities can teach you
Eating for work what celebrities can teach youEating for work what celebrities can teach youYou get to the officeand your energy level is through the roof. Your commute went smoothly, youre actually excited to get back to work on that one project today, and your coworker who usually seems down on his luck is ina good mood.By noon, its been hours since you departureed the day and your energy level tanks- your spark is fading. Its a struggle to finish out the day, and a Starbucks and cupcake stand between you and your evening commute.So what do celebrities have to do with all this? Some of them seem to know just what to eat to manage their energy both for work and personal time.Tom Brady and Giselle BndchenThe New England Patriots quarterback and internationally-known supermodel playexactly zero games when it comes to eating healthy foods. While some have found itincredibly difficult, their diets are designed to helpthem perform well at their high-stress jobs.So lets get down to the n itty-gritty how do a supermodel and a star quarterback keep their energy up?Allen Campbell, personal chef for the couple and their kids,spoke to Boston.com about specific food heuses to power their days.Apparently, veggies make up 80% of their diet.I buy the freshest vegetables. If its not organic, I dont use it. And whole grains brown rice, quinoa, millet, beans. The other 20 percent is lean meats grass-fed organic steak, duck every now and then, and chicken. As for fish, I mostly cook wild salmon,Campbell told Boston.com.But some items are a definite no-go for Campbell.No white sugar. No white flour. No MSG. Ill use raw olive oil, but I never cook with olive oil. I only cook with coconut oil. Fats like canola oil turn into trans fats. I use Himalayan pink salt as the sodium. I never use iodized salt, Campbell told Boston.com.Reportedly,coffee, caffeine, dairy and fungus are off-limits, and Tom doesnt often eat tomatoes and other nightshades.On another note, who could forget Defla tegateafter the Patriots won the Super Bowl?Bradyreportedly relied on abookcalled The Four Agreements A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom byDon Miguel Ruiz to get through that. He says he re-reads the text every year, and Bndchen also likes it.So take a page out of Bradys book if you can, and start with eating as many greens with your work lunch as possible- maybe even pick up a copy of the same book during a rough patch in your career.Oprah WinfreyThe media personality knows what its like to have one of the most high-powered jobs in the industry so she understands that what you eat impacts how you feel.Winfrey publicly struggled with her weight for years, and eventually joined Weight Watchers. She also became a stakeholderin the company in 2015.In a video, Oprah told People what she eats as part of the program- she gets 30 points a day.For breakfast, she has scrambled eggs with whites, for lunch, a salad with beans, beets, carrots and just a teaspoon of oil, plus some kind of s oup.For dinner, Winfrey has shrimp and vegetables or a specific type of fish, big vegetables and some starch and splurges with an alcoholic drink of some kind.She also enjoys some snacks during the day.While you definitely dont have to jump on a diet program to feel your best at work, there are some key takeaways- greens and healthy proteins are the key to a good lunch.Shaquille ONealSo how does a 7-foot-1, former NBA playerfuel himself? Shaquille ONealtoldBon Apptit all about it.He saidthat hes never had coffee and instead, prefers orange juice at the beginning of the day. He also enjoys the egg-white omelette.ONeal claims to bea sandwich guy, enjoying turkey sandwiches, turkey burgers, but that his idea of unhealthy eating is havingtoo many sandwiches.Heres what his typical turkey sandwich looks like just low-fat mayo from Whole Foods, and then thin wheat bread, a couple slices of turkey, a couple slices of cheese, lettuce and tomato, and thats it. So lunch is a sandwich, and din ner is either salmon, chicken, or steak, ONeal toldBon Apptit.But things werent always this way- he reportedly grew up eating a lot of fried chicken and doesnt really cook now, but has had the same chef for 12 years.But you dont have to have a personal chef to make a solid turkey sandwich with vegetables on it for lunch.Yes, these celebrities probably have the resources and staff to get them any foods their hearts desire- and maybe even oncommand but theres something we can learn from the foods they eat to manage their energy, especially for work.And hey, if it all gets to be too much to think about, theres always the NBAs favorite energy option two peanut butter-and-jelly sandwiches.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Men in finance see workplace as meritocracy. Women dont
Men in finance see workplace as meritocracy. Women dontMen in finance see workplace as meritocracy. Women dontFor men in finance, their workplace is a meritocracy where the gender gap is a relic of the past. According to their rose-colored glasses, employees in finance who do the work and put in the time are able to get ahead in their career. But a new CNBC and LinkedIn survey of 1,000 LinkedIn members working in banking, capital markets, and other financial services found that women in finance felt differently.mWhile seven in ten male respondents agreed that men and women are promoted at an equal rate, less than half of female respondents agreed that everyone was getting promoted at an equal rate.Women in finance see a gender gap that male peers dont seeMen in finance thought that men and women with equal titles were paid the same salaries at their company. Women were more likely to doubt that everyone was getting fair treatment. Seventy-five percent of men believed that men and wom en in equal roles were paid the same at their companies, while only 40% of women thought the same.Womens intuition about lopsided salaries is backed by research. A 2016 Pew Research Centerstudyfound that white women earn 82 centsfor every dollar earned by white men, while black women earned 65 cents and Latinawomen earned 58 cents.Men and women both agreed that an unsupportive work culture leise plays a big role in holding women back in their careers, but men were overall more optimistic about womens future in finance. Women were less optimistic than men about their ability to climb up the ranks. While the majority of men thought that men and women both had equal chances of becoming leaders of their industry, only 37% of women thought the same.Men and women were on the same page about one thing, however. They both agreed what research already backs up That workplace flexibility is key to keeping women in the workforce. Finance can be a demanding career filled with long hours of over time. Both men and women said that offering more flexibility was the top way finance jobs could foster a more inclusive workplace for women.Men in finance are not the only men who think the gender gap in promotions and salaries is largely solved.More than half of men in America think the gender gap is solved despite overwhelming research to the contrary. Until more men see the gender gap as a real and present issue, studies like this will continue to find that men and women are working on different planets.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Back up Your Soft Skills with Hard Facts
Back up Your Soft Skills with Hard FactsSoft Skills, Hard FactsBack up Your Soft Skills with Hard FactsYouve probably seen words and phrases like detail oriented and strong communication skills in job ads. And maybe youve used some of the same wording on your resume. But when it comes to selecting candidates to interview, employers are mora likely to look beyond those soft skills to whether you have the qualifications to do the job. Sure, soft skills are important, but theyre not likely to put you on the short list unless you support them with hard facts.Although a vague list of soft skills on your resume might not get you an interview, those soft skills can help solidify your chance at getting a job offer once youre in an interview. Thats because they indicate how effectively you might fit in with the new employer. Be ready to address them in an interview if the hiring manager asks you one or more behavioral questions that probe past work experiences.So, youll need to show - rather than tell - the hiring manager that you are, for example, an effective communicator, a detail-oriented individual, or able to work independently. Imagine this possible exchange in a job interviewHIRING MANAGER You have the depth of experience and skills that were looking for. I need to ask you, though, about the keen attention to detail that you state in your resume. Tell me of a time when that attention to detail was beneficial to your company and how it may have scored points with upper management.INTERVIEWEE Well, there are a couple of situations that come to mind. One that I remember quite well involved a cost-benefit analysis for a planned purchase of 250 mobile devices - including specialized software - for our ausverkauf force. I examined the requirements we needed in the technology, met with representatives from 12 vendors, and asked each of them a very thorough list of questions that I gathered from the sales director and chief of IT. After we narrowed the list of vendors t o five, I talked extensively with about 10 customers from among those vendors about their experience with the technology, and was able to confidently make a recommendation on which companies we should negotiate with. In the end, the sales force was very happy and the technology we chose helped boost sales 10 percent. The CFO was so pleased with my work on the deal that I received a generous cash bonus. Did I answer your question adequately?In this example, the interviewee explains his attention to detail, how it helped his employer, and what the net effect was a boost in revenue and recognition from one of the companys top officials. And he closes by asking the hiring manager if his answer was satisfactory.The lesson here for job seekers is that if youre going to include any of these soft skills in your resume, you must be prepared to support them with examples from your work experience. While I was writing this post, I pulled four job ads at random and found these soft skills liste d in at least one of themResults-orientedPerform effectively in a deadline environmentExcellent verbal and written communication skillsHighly organizedWork well under preskoranversHigh energy, enthusiasm, and motivated demeanor.When you think about your soft skills, be sure to write down - for your own reference - at least one incident from your work experience in which you demonstrated that skill. Then, review those notes before each job interview. The more you can show those values to a potential employer, the less likely youll be eliminated from consideration for the job.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Notes on Secretary Resume Examples in Step by Step Order
Notes on Secretary Resume Examples in Step by Step Order The work is mostly office-based. You need your formatting to be clear and you have to write in a manner that impresses the readers. Use the work offer discussion letter to get the offer you want. Its also important to reduce the work offer in an expert method. Who Else Wants to Learn About Secretary Resume Examples? Some customers are extremely very likely to wish to negotiate. It is probable that the employer will want to issue a new offer letter if adjustments are created. The employer welches not able to carry on employing the enquiry. Several Other employers might need to check on the employment background, therefore earn a bid to leave with a slate thats clean. Top Choices of Secretary Resume Examples In the exact saatkorn way which you might reference resume samples, the next Secretary cover letter example can help you to compose a cover letter which best highlights your experience and qualifications. The ve ry first bit of information which you are able to replace is your private details. To begin with, before you commence drafting your letter, be certain that your email address is professional. A 2 weeks notice letter is basically the specific same thing to have a resignation letter. How to Choose Secretary Resume Examples At best, its going to be status quo. Consider corporate secretary resume as a weapon, which you are able to logically creates to have the ability to target a particular work and to win ones heart of the provider. Lets go over the basics of composing a work deal thank you letter. You wish to be happy and fulfilled carrying the work deal. The One Thing to Do for Secretary Resume Examples If youre applying for the position of legal secretary for a business, then you ought to be in a position to create a good resume for it. The comprehensive secretary job description can help you. You need to be able to make a superb and efficient secretarys resume for the pl ace of secretary youre applying for. Use the extensive legal secretary job description that will help you. A secretary has to execute many roles all at the very same moment. From the world of business, law, medicine, administration, and many more, he is highly recommended. Secretaries are critical in carrying out a selection of office functions and administrative tasks whether for a specific office employee or the whole organisation. The Legal Secretary is predicted to work independently in the lack of specific instructions. Legal Secretaries and PAs are in terrific demand and have the ability to earn great salaries. The Ultimate Secretary Resume Examples Trick The secretary job description stipulates a list of the main tasks, activities and duties related to the secretarial job. There are all types of resumes for assorted varieties of secretary jobs. Learn ways to receive a new job or enhance the one that you have. Furthermore, you can look for legal assistant jobs on Mons ter. Focus on what you could supply the employer rather than that which you aspire to learn or gain. The Legal Secretary should have the ability to use word processing computer software. Hearsay, Deception and Secretary Resume Examples Theres a PDF file for a preview which can be created. There are many secretary job descriptions that get advertised online in addition to offline. Adapt the sample secretarial job description to fulfill the needs of the job that you are specifying. If you want more help with the procedure, you may also try out using our resume builder. The Basics of Secretary Resume Examples Work aspirants ought to keep an eye out for a resume vorlage instead of a courses vitae template. Skills, in regard to guiding product launches and strategic initiatives, may also be included. Some jobs need specialized training past the skills typically necessary for secretarial work. Secretarial jobs typically involve a wide array of tasks and abilities. Details of Secretary Resume Examples Whenever you are supplied with a work deal, though you may have a negotiation procedure make sure to ask time as a way to offer your official reaction. The candidate gives an instance of her capacity to multitask by explaining the quantity of team members she assists inside her existing position. As a result, in the event the procedure is not helplessly gridlocked, everybody has a state. Your resume should be organized in a way to demonstrate your relevant expertise and techniques in an eye-catching way.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Recruiters How to Make Your Candidates Love You - Spark Hire
Recruiters How to Make Your Candidates Love You - Spark HireDear Recruiter,The experience I had in working with you was like no other. In fact, it was terrible, and I hope to never encounter you again in a professional or non-professional setting.Hate,A Disgruntled Job CandidateRecruiting isnt always rainbows and butterflies and flowers. There are times when job candidates or situations can be downright awful. But as a recruiter, you have to do more than maintain your professional integrity. You have to manufacture cases in which candidates have nothing to say but good things. Essentially, you have to make them love you.So how do you do that? Recruiter.com recently highlighted reasons why candidates hate hiring recruiters, and by avoiding each of these behaviors, you can create a positive experience with job candidates that can turn into a long-lasting professional relationship.When it comes to talent acquisition, what job candidates want fruchtwein are recruiters who keep in touch. There is a job on the line for them, and its not too much to ask for a little transparency. If a client turns them down, thats ok share the news. Or if theres been no response to their resume, let them know. Bad news, in this case, is better than no news.Second, its ok to say, I dont know. So many times, recruiters act like they have the answers to every question, even when those answers are sometimes incorrect. Youre not required to be an expert on every candidate, every client and every hiring decision. When in doubt, tell job candidates that you arent koranvers but that youll find out as soon as possible. And keep that promise.Finally, Recruiter.com cites the third reason candidates come to hate a recruiter is their carelessness. With this job, the work is all in the details even with candidates or clients that you dont particular care for. Dont rush through interviews or ask those super standard questions that seem as if youre just checking boxes on a list. Recruiter.com state s, Candidates and clients alike can tell when you are invested in the process and working to get the job done. On the flip side, everybody can tell when youre just pushing paper and passing responsibilities on.When it comes to recruiting, acting like you genuinely care for candidates will get you a lot more love letters than hate mail. You are a crucial resource to them at this point in the job search process. Treat them like they matter with these three tips, and youll create an easier, more fulfilling experience for everyone involved.Have you had bad recruiting experiences? Share now in our comments
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